Code of Conduct

1. When playing home or away, in a Club or a Pub, players behaviour must always have due regard to the presence of other club members, customers, staff, the sticker up and the skittle players from both their own and the other team.

. Matches should be played in a sporting and friendly atmosphere. Unacceptable conduct and behaviour before, during or after a match will not be accepted and render those teams and individuals involved liable to disciplinary action.

3. The Code covers and seeks to avoid the following – both in person and on Social Media:
a. Intimidatory, offensive or aggressive behaviour.
b. Bullying.
c. The use of excessive bad language.
d. Vandalism.
e. Physical violence or threats of physical violence.
f. Action liable to bring the game or League into disrepute.

. The Committee will take any such incident very seriously and will deal with it as soon as practicable. Players involved will be allowed to give their explanation of events to the Committee. Any decision by the Committee regarding disciplinary action will be final and no appeals will be considered.

. The Committee will decide the penalty for a breach of the code according to its severity. The range of disciplinary measures are not limited to, but will include the following:
a. Warnings regarding future conduct.
b. Deduction of points and/or awards of matches to opponents.
c. Final warnings subject to automatic bans for subsequent breaches of the code.
d. Fines – non-payment of which will lead to further action.
e. Playing bans operative for either a number of matches, a period of time or lifetime bans. These may be imposed on teams or individuals and will be in addition to entry bans imposed by pubs and clubs.

. The vast majority of games are played in the correct spirit and are enjoyed by all who take part. The Code is only required on the rare occasion it is required. Ultimately, all players are responsible for their own behaviour and for following the Code. However, Team Captains of League and Cup Matches and MCs of other Competition Games are asked to have in mind and apply the Code during a game where it is appropriate and safe to do so. Especially, where a quiet comment may nip a potential issue in the bud, and prevent it from escalating.